Sketchcrawl 23

I finally had the chance to participate in a sketchcrawl this month. I invited several friends to come, but it was just as well they couldn’t make it. I’m pretty out of practice and took a fair amount of wandering before getting a few good drawings out at the Detroit Zoo.

The first sketch is of the butterfly gardens and free flight aviary, the second from the reptile house. I felt surprisingly comfortable drawing at the zoo — I rarely draw in public. It reminded me how much I enjoy drawing from life, taking what I see and translating it onto the paper.

Check out the other results (from literally all over the world) in the Sketchcrawl forum.

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One Response to “Sketchcrawl 23”

  • Sorry I forgot to call back! My bad. I couldn’t go.

    Commenter   |   07.13.09

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